When you say "Happy Pride" Make Sure You Mean It

By: Tiffany M. Favers du Shine (she/her)

I’ll let you in on a little secret: I don’t hate rainbow capitalism.

I’ve always loved rainbows; even more so since coming out. So imagine my sheer joy each June when Pride and my birthday month means every national chain, and most local chains too, rolling out massive rainbow displays for sale. I try to resist, and usually only fall for a-certain-bullseye-chain’s yearly stash. Everything says ‘Happy Pride’ and the oh-so-popular #LoveWins...

But Pride is about more than rainbows and love winning. It’s also about affirmation, celebration and respect. 

Pride is about acknowledging the past struggles the LGBTQ2IA+ community has faced to get this far. And it now must include all the struggles our community faces, especially our trans siblings, to simply be allowed to exist! With nearly 500 (pause for emphasis!) anti-LGBTQ2IA+ bills targeting our rights, before you tell me Happy Pride, make sure you mean it.

What do I mean by "mean it?"

  • You understand that ally is a verb, not a title

  • You share your pronouns with others so they know it’s safe to share theirs with you (really just looking at the cis folks for this one!)

  • You actually read and use the pronouns that people have listed (on Zoom, in their Slack profile, in their email signature, etc)

  • You are actively considering how accessible and inclusive the spaces you inhabit are. From your homes to your offices and public social spaces such as gyms, bars, and clubs. 

  • You remember to include young people and elders in your plans for LGBTQ2IA+ folks

  • You practice using gender neutral language in everyday situations (it’s hard to stop saying ‘guys’ - I know! - but we can all try! hint hint download our new guide if you need help finding inclusive alternatives)

Pride should be a happy time for our community.

A time to come together and celebrate our existence, our achievements, our fabulousness, but it’s hard to see the positives when there is still so much vitriol and hatred directed toward us.

I get more than enough faux Pride from the big box stores and the corporate filled Pride Parade.

The first Pride was a riot, and every Pride after it should be filled with action and forward movement for our community.

So, Happy Pride to the real ones and the real ones only. 


Cuando nos desees "Feliz Orgullo", asegúrate que lo dices en serio


El Día de la Visibilidad Transgénero